17-20.03.2025, winter resort „BOROVETS”, BULGARIA
Dear colleagues,
The International Scientific Conference “HIGH TECHNOLOGIES. BUSINESS. SOCIETY 2024” will take place from 17 to 20 March, 2025 at the Borovets winter resort, Bulgaria, as a broad-spectrum scientific ant technical event, including three major thematic fields. These fields are affiliated with each other and disclose the essence of the high technologies’ coming and development, and the creation of a new society as well.
We invite the scientists and the researchers to present the results of their research works before the academic society and the industry representatives and to publish them in the international scientific magazines, issued by the Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering.
We invite the companies to introduce their high-tech products and services, offered on the market, by presentations at the conference sessions and advertisements in the conference documents.
We do believe, that the International Scientific Conference “HIGH TECHNOLOGIES. BUSINESS. SOCIETY 2025” will become a place for meetings and discussions of scientists of all scientific fields, who are overcome by the challenge of transforming the innovation ideas into products and services, which create development and jobs, and establish a fair, ecological and high-tech society.
The conference program will give you the chance to find new friends and ideas, to relax, to amuse, and to feel the charm of the splendid winter in the mountains.
Prof. D.Sc. DHC Georgi Popov,
President of Bulgarian Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering,